# humanstxt.org/ # The humans responsible & technology colophon /* TEAM */ Owner & Jack-of-all-trades: Rick Cogley Contact: https://cogley.jp/about Mastodon: @rick@cogley.jp /* TECHNOLOGY */ Hosting and automation by: https://micro.blog Static Site Generator: Hugo, https://gohugo.io/ Standards: HTML5, CSS3 Theme Design Repo: https://github.com/MattSLangford/Tiny-Theme-for-Micro.blog Type faces: Geometric Humanist and Rounded Sans from Modern Font Stacks https://modernfontstacks.com/ DNS Hosting: Amazon AWS Route53, https://aws.amazon.com/route53/ Podcast Processing: Auphonic /* SITE */ Updates: Frequent Language: English (and a little Japanese) Editing: Ulysses